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Autor Nachricht
Beitrag12.10.2012 um 14:35 (UTC)    
Titel: Content verschieben


ich bin gerade dabei ein wenig das Design verändern. Ich habe vor den Content inklusive des Headers weiter nach unten zu verschieben, da wo vorher die Werbung stand, soll einfach nur das Wallpaper ein Stück zu sehen sein.

Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn mir da jemand helfen kann.

Gruß Very Happy
Beitrag12.10.2012 um 15:08 (UTC)    

Ich habe es nun schon mehrmals versucht und nicht hinbekommen. Hier mein CSS Code

#extraDiv2 {

#extraDiv3 {

#extraDiv4 {

#extraDiv5 {

#extraDiv6 {

#pre_header {

#post_header {

#pre_content {

#nav_heading {

#nav {

div.header {

h1#title {

h2#title span {

td[height="102"] {

CSS Credit:

body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
line-height: 1.5em;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
color: #999;
background: #272525 url( repeat-x;

a:link, a:visited { color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none; font-weight: normal; }
a:active, a:hover { color: #99FF00; text-decoration: underline; }

p {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
text-align: justify;

img {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
border: none;

.cleaner { clear: both; width: 100%; height: 0px; font-size: 0px; }

.margin_bottom_10 { clear: both; width: 100%; height: 10px; font-size: 1px; }
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.margin_bottom_30 { clear: both; width: 100%; height: 30px; font-size: 1px; }
.margin_bottom_40 { clear: both; width: 100%; height: 40px; font-size: 1px; }
.margin_bottom_50 { clear: both; width: 100%; height: 50px; font-size: 1px; }
.margin_bottom_60 { clear: both; width: 100%; height: 60px; font-size: 1px; }

.margin_right_10 { margin-right: 10px; }
.margin_right_60 { margin-right: 60px; }

.horizontal_divider {
background: url() bottom repeat-x;

.border_bottom {
border-bottom: 1px dashed #000;

.fl {
float: left;

.fr {
float: right;

.rc_btn_01 a {
clear: both;
display: block;
width: 120px;
height: 25px;
padding: 5px 0 0 0;
font-size: 12px;
text-align: center;
color: #000000;
text-decoration: none;
border: none;
background: url() no-repeat;

#templatemo_wrapper_outer {
width: 100%;
margin: 0 auto;

#templatemo_wrapper_inner {
width: 980px;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 0 5px;
background: url( repeat-y;

#templatemo_banner {
width: 980px;
height: 250px;
background: url( no-repeat;

/* menu */

#templatemo_menu {
clear: both;
width: 500px;
height: 65px;
padding: 0 240px;
background: url( no-repeat;

#templatemo_menu ul {
width: 500px;
margin: 0px;
padding: 20px 0 0 15px;
list-style: none;

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display: inline;

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float: left;
padding: 0 20px;
text-align: center;
font-size: 12px;
text-align: center;
text-decoration: none;
color: #999999;
font-weight: bold;

#templatemo_menu li a:hover, #templatemo_menu li .current {
color: #ffffff;
/* end of menu*/

#templatemo_content_wrapper {
clear: both;
width: 960px;
padding: 10px;

.templatemo_content {
float: left;
width: 460px;
padding: 20px 19px 0 19px;
background: #1b1919;
border: 1px solid #363434;

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margin: 0 0 10px 0;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #ffffff;
/*color: #e40b0b;*/

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padding: 0 0 5px 0;
margin: 0 0 10px 0;
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #ffffff;
/*color: #e40b0b;*/

.header_03 {
padding: 0 0 5px 0;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #ffffff;
/*color: #99be29;*/

.header_03 a { color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none; }
.header_03 a:hover { color: #99FF00; }

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float: left;
width: 180px;
padding: 20px 19px 0 19px;
background: #1b1919;
border: 1px solid #363434;

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margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;

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margin: 0px;
padding: 0 0 0 0;
margin-bottom: 5px;
border-left: 5px solid #000;
list-style: none;

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display: block;
background: #242224;
padding: 5px 0 5px 10px;
color: #b5b1b1;
text-decoration: none;

.templatemo_side_bar ul li a:hover {
color: #ffffff;
background: #000;

.templatemo_side_bar form {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;

#search_field {
padding: 5px 0 0 0;
height: 20px;
width: 175px;
margin-bottom: 10px;

#search_button {
float: right;
width: 120px;
height: 30px;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
cursor: pointer;
font-size: 12px;
text-align: center;
white-space: pre;
background: url( no-repeat;
color: #000000;
border: none;

.content_section {
clear: both;
padding: 0 0 0 0;

.content_section p span {
color: #ffffff;

.image_wrapper_01 {
float: left;
position: relative;
margin: 3px 20px 0 0;
background: #131212;
padding: 4px;

.image_wrapper_01 img {
border: 1px solid #363434;

.image_wrapper_02 {
position: relative;
margin: 0 0 10px 0;
background: #131212;
padding: 4px;

.image_wrapper_02 span {
position: absolute;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
bottom: 10px;
right: 10px;
background: url( no-repeat;

.image_wrapper_02:hover span {
background: url( no-repeat;

.image_wrapper_02 img {
border: 1px solid #363434;

.image_wrapper img {
border: 1px solid #363434;

.latest_news {
clear: both;
padding-bottom: 10px;

#templatemo_footer {
clear: both;
width: 980px;
height: 40px;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 20px 0 0 0;
text-align: center;
background: url( no-repeat;
Beitrag12.10.2012 um 15:35 (UTC)    

Achtung, ungetestet!

#extraDiv2 {

#extraDiv3 {

#extraDiv4 {

#extraDiv5 {

#extraDiv6 {

#pre_header {

#post_header {

#pre_content {

#nav_heading {

#nav {

div.header {

h1#title {

h2#title span {

td[height="102"] {

CSS Credit:

body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
line-height: 1.5em;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
color: #999;
background: #272525 url( repeat-x;

a:link, a:visited { color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none; font-weight: normal; }
a:active, a:hover { color: #99FF00; text-decoration: underline; }

p {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
text-align: justify;

img {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
border: none;

.cleaner { clear: both; width: 100%; height: 0px; font-size: 0px; }

.margin_bottom_10 { clear: both; width: 100%; height: 10px; font-size: 1px;   }
.margin_bottom_20 { clear: both; width: 100%; height: 20px; font-size: 1px;   }
.margin_bottom_30 { clear: both; width: 100%; height: 30px; font-size: 1px;   }
.margin_bottom_40 { clear: both; width: 100%; height: 40px; font-size: 1px;   }
.margin_bottom_50 { clear: both; width: 100%; height: 50px; font-size: 1px;   }
.margin_bottom_60 { clear: both; width: 100%; height: 60px; font-size: 1px;   }

.margin_right_10 { margin-right: 10px; }
.margin_right_60 { margin-right: 60px; }

.horizontal_divider {
background: url() bottom repeat-x;

.border_bottom {
border-bottom: 1px dashed #000;

.fl {
float: left;

.fr {
float: right;

.rc_btn_01 a {
clear: both;
display: block;
width: 120px;
height: 25px;
padding: 5px 0 0 0;
font-size: 12px;
text-align: center;
color: #000000;
text-decoration: none;
border: none;
background: url() no-repeat;

#templatemo_wrapper_outer {
width: 100%;
margin: 25px auto 0;

#templatemo_wrapper_inner {
width: 980px;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 0 5px;
background: url( repeat-y;

#templatemo_banner {
width: 980px;
height: 250px;
background: url( no-repeat;

/* menu */

#templatemo_menu {
clear: both;
width: 500px;
height: 65px;
padding: 0 240px;
background: url( no-repeat;

#templatemo_menu ul {
width: 500px;
margin: 0px;
padding: 20px 0 0 15px;
list-style: none;

#templatemo_menu ul li {
display: inline;

#templatemo_menu ul li a {
float: left;
padding: 0 20px;
text-align: center;
font-size: 12px;
text-align: center;
text-decoration: none;
color: #999999;   
font-weight: bold;

#templatemo_menu li a:hover, #templatemo_menu li .current {
color: #ffffff;
/* end of menu*/

#templatemo_content_wrapper {
clear: both;
width: 960px;
padding: 10px;

.templatemo_content {
float: left;
width: 460px;
padding: 20px 19px 0 19px;
background: #1b1919;
border: 1px solid #363434;

.header_01 {
padding: 0 0 5px 0;
margin: 0 0 10px 0;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #ffffff;
/*color: #e40b0b;*/

.header_02 {
padding: 0 0 5px 0;
margin: 0 0 10px 0;
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #ffffff;
/*color: #e40b0b;*/

.header_03 {
padding: 0 0 5px 0;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #ffffff;
/*color: #99be29;*/   

.header_03 a { color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none; }
.header_03 a:hover { color: #99FF00; }

.templatemo_side_bar {
float: left;
width: 180px;
padding: 20px 19px 0 19px;
background: #1b1919;
border: 1px solid #363434;   

.templatemo_side_bar ul {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;

.templatemo_side_bar ul li {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0 0 0 0;
margin-bottom: 5px;
border-left: 5px solid #000;
list-style: none;

.templatemo_side_bar ul li a {
display: block;
background: #242224;
padding: 5px 0 5px 10px;
color: #b5b1b1;
text-decoration: none;

.templatemo_side_bar ul li a:hover {
color: #ffffff;
background: #000;

.templatemo_side_bar form {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;

#search_field {
padding: 5px 0 0 0;
height: 20px;
width: 175px;
margin-bottom: 10px;

#search_button {
float: right;
width: 120px;
height: 30px;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
cursor: pointer;
font-size: 12px;
text-align: center;
white-space: pre;
background: url( no-repeat;
color: #000000;
border: none;

.content_section {
clear: both;
padding: 0 0 0 0;

.content_section p span {
color: #ffffff;

.image_wrapper_01 {
float: left;
position: relative;
margin: 3px 20px 0 0;
background: #131212;
padding: 4px;

.image_wrapper_01 img {
border: 1px solid #363434;

.image_wrapper_02 {
position: relative;
margin: 0 0 10px 0;
background: #131212;
padding: 4px;

.image_wrapper_02 span {
position: absolute;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
bottom: 10px;
right: 10px;
background: url( no-repeat;

.image_wrapper_02:hover span {
background: url( no-repeat;

.image_wrapper_02 img {
border: 1px solid #363434;

.image_wrapper img {
border: 1px solid #363434;

.latest_news {
clear: both;
padding-bottom: 10px;

#templatemo_footer {
clear: both;
width: 980px;
height: 40px;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 20px 0 0 0;
text-align: center;
background: url( no-repeat;

Grüße Dennis14e
Beitrag12.10.2012 um 15:43 (UTC)    

danke Smile
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