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Beitrag28.12.2008 um 20:08 (UTC)    
Titel: Schneeflocken fliegen nach oben ?


Ich hab eine frage könnte man Schneeflocken(oder anderes Bild z.B. Raketen) auch nach oben fliegen lassen?
Wenn ja, wie oder mit welchen Script ?

Hier ist ein Schneeflocken Script aus dem Homepage baukasten:

<script language="JavaScript">
   var no = 20;
   var speed = 35;
   var snowflake = "URL des Blides";
<script language="JavaScript" src=""></script>
Beitrag28.12.2008 um 20:10 (UTC)    

Ich glaube, das müsste man extra programmieren. Crying or Very sad
Gruß, Andreas

Beitrag01.01.2009 um 15:09 (UTC)    

Jo ok,danke Very Happy
Beitrag01.01.2009 um 16:14 (UTC)    

Vielleicht hilft Dir das schon mal weiter:

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// Snowmaker
// By Peter Gehrig
// Copyright (c) 2003 Peter Gehrig. All rights reserved.
// Permission given to use the script provided that this notice remains as is.
// Additional scripts can be found at
// 11/27/2003

// If you add this script to a script-library or script-archive
// you have to add a highly visible link to
// on the webpage
// where this script will be featured


// Set the number of snowflakes (more than 30 - 40 not recommended)
var snowmax = 35;

// Set the colors for the snow. Add as many colors as you like
var snowcolor = new Array('#eeeeff', '#ffffdd', '#eeeedd', '#ffffff', '#ff0000');

// Set the fonts, that create the snowflakes. Add as many fonts as you like
var snowtype = new Array('Arial Black', 'Arial Narrow', 'Times', 'Comic Sans MS');

// Set the letter that creates your snowflake (recommended: *)
var snowletter = '*';

// Set the speed of sinking (recommended values range from 0.3 to 2)
var sinkspeed = 0.6;

// Set the maximal-size of your snowflaxes
var snowmaxsize = 48;

// Set the minimal-size of your snowflaxes
var snowminsize = 10;

// Set the snowing-zone
// Set 1 for all-over-snowing
// Set 2 for left-side-snowing
// Set 3 for center-snowing
// Set 4 for right-side-snowing
var snowingzone = 1;


// Do not edit below this line
var snow = new Array();
var marginbottom;
var marginright;
var timer;
var i_snow = 0;
var x_mv = new Array();
var crds = new Array();
var lftrght = new Array();
var browserinfos = navigator.userAgent;
var ie5 = document.all && document.getElementById && !browserinfos.match(/Opera/);
var ns6 = document.getElementById && !document.all;
var opera = browserinfos.match(/Opera/);
var browserok = ie5 || ns6 || opera;

function randommaker(range)
return Math.floor(range * Math.random());

function initsnow()
if (ie5 || opera)
marginbottom = document.body.clientHeight;
marginright = document.body.clientWidth;
else if (ns6)
marginbottom = window.innerHeight;
marginright = window.innerWidth;

var snowsizerange = snowmaxsize - snowminsize;

for (var i = 0; i <= snowmax; i++)
crds[i] = 0;
lftrght[i] = Math.random() * 15;
x_mv[i] = 0.03 + Math.random() / 10;
snow[i] = document.getElementById('s' + i);
snow[i].style.fontFamily = snowtype[randommaker(snowtype.length)];
snow[i].size = randommaker(snowsizerange) + snowminsize;
snow[i].style.fontSize = snow[i].size;
snow[i].style.color = snowcolor[randommaker(snowcolor.length)];
snow[i].sink = sinkspeed * snow[i].size / 5;

if (snowingzone == 1)
snow[i].posx = randommaker(marginright - snow[i].size);

if (snowingzone == 2)
snow[i].posx = randommaker(marginright / 2 + snow[i].size);

if (snowingzone == 3)
snow[i].posx = randommaker(marginright / 2 + snow[i].size) - marginright / 4;

if (snowingzone == 4)
snow[i].posx = randommaker(marginright / 2 + snow[i].size) - marginright / 2;

snow[i].posy = randommaker(2 * marginbottom - marginbottom - 2 * snow[i].size);
snow[i].style.left = snow[i].posx;
snow[i] = snow[i].posy;


function movesnow()
for (var i = 0; i <= snowmax; i++)
crds[i] -= x_mv[i];
snow[i].posy -= snow[i].sink;
snow[i].style.left = snow[i].posx + lftrght[i] * Math.sin(crds[i]);
snow[i] = snow[i].posy;

if ((snow[i].posy >= (marginbottom - 2 * snow[i].size)) || (parseInt(snow[i].style.left) > (marginright + 3 * lftrght[i])))
if (snowingzone == 1)
snow[i].posx = randommaker(marginright + snow[i].size);

if (snowingzone == 2)
snow[i].posx = randommaker(marginright / 2 + snow[i].size);

if (snowingzone == 3)
snow[i].posx = randommaker(marginright / 2 + snow[i].size) - marginright / 4;

if (snowingzone == 4)
snow[i].posx = randommaker(marginright / 2 + snow[i].size) - marginright / 2;

snow[i].posy = 0;

var timer = setTimeout('movesnow();', 10); //Wert von 10 bis 100

for (var i = 0; i <= snowmax; i++)
document.write('<span id="s' + i +'" style="position: absolute; top: -' + snowmaxsize + '">' + snowletter + '</span>');

if (browserok)
window.onload = initsnow;
Beitrag10.01.2009 um 17:34 (UTC)    
Titel: Re: Schneeflocken fliegen nach oben ?

hört sich eigentlich ganz lustig an!!!

das geht ganz einfach da muss man einfach nur den code nehmen und ihn ein bisschen abändern Wink

mal schauen was sich mache lässt Rolling Eyes

gruß dennis..

Zuletzt bearbeitet von tropischer-regenwald am 16.01.2009, 19:53, insgesamt 2-mal bearbeitet
Beitrag27.02.2009 um 15:22 (UTC)    
Titel: Coole Idee

Das ist ja wirklich eine coole Idee! Aber wie willst du
das so hinbiegen, du den Javascript so abänderst, dass es auch wirklich funktioniert? Vielleicht ein Body Tag code einbauen?
Beitrag28.05.2009 um 13:21 (UTC)    

das wär schon cool
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